Economic Outlook Discussions – 2020

The last Quarterly Economic Discussion took place on Tuesday, March 03rd, 2020

An Executive Summary of this Discussion is now available.

Archived Executive Summaries for 2018, 2019 and 2020 Economic Outlook Discussions are available.

The evolution and History of our Economic Outlook Discussions

Note: We maintain Chatham House rules to promote free flow of discussions and ideas.

Disclaimer: We do however acknowledge our Distinguished Guests and Speakers by mention of their names and titles with their expressed permission in our invitations and in Executive Summaries.

Credits: The member / stakeholder lead Committees at the Myanmar Economic Forum is responsible for the shaping the subject matter / editorial agenda of our Quarterly Economic Development and Outlook Discussions along with all Economic engagement initiatives during the course of the year.

Contact: If you would like to participate in these Economic Outlook Discussion or to any of our other engagement initiatives, please sign up to our Mailing List.