The evolution and History of our Economic Outlook Discussions
The journey of our becoming an economic public policy “think tank” with a research interest in public policy can be traced to our outreach in helping in the capacity development initiatives in early 2016.
The subject of our first Discussion “Macroeconomic Challenges and the Development of a Sovereign Credit Rating” was initiated on Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 and hosted at the Teak House, courtesy of the US Embassy.
Subsequently during the calendar year 2016 and 2017 we undertook a few additional Discussions at the US Embassy to include subjects such as “Strengthening the Banking System in Myanmar” and “Banking Sector Analysis and Discussion” with objective to help guide Myanmar banking sector stakeholders.
Thereafter post Q1 2017 we convened, “Monthly Financial Sector Brainstorming Discussions” to continue these capacity and reform guidance focused conversations.
During the year 2018 assisted by a volunteer stakeholder lead Editorial Board we encompassed a broader context of economic engagement and renamed these Monthly Financial Sector Brainstorming Discussions as “Economic Development & Outlook Discussions”.
From the calendar year 2019 we decided to move to a Quarterly format so we could sharpen our relevance and attract a more diverse set of stakeholders.
Additionally, from the calendar year 2020, we have re-messaged these Quarterly Discussions simply as “Economic Outlook Discussions” to take on a broader set of comprehensive topics.
Archived Executive Summaries for 2018, 2019 and 2020 Discussions are available.
Note: We maintain Chatham House rules to promote free flow of discussions and ideas.
Disclaimer: We do however acknowledge our Distinguished Guests and Speakers by mention of their names and titles with their expressed permission in our invitations and in Executive Summaries.
Credits: We thank the member / stakeholder lead Committees at the Myanmar Economic Forum and their contributions in helping shape the subject matter / editorial agenda of our Quarterly Economic Discussions along with all Economic engagement initiatives during the course of the year.
Contact: If you would like to participate in these Economic Outlook Discussion or to any of our other engagement initiatives, please sign up to our Mailing List.