In the interest of safety for all our stakeholders in Myanmar, our Board of Directors by unanimous consent have temporarily ceased all our operations in Myanmar.

All our engagement and research activities are now being pursued on our behalf by the Asian Economic Forum.

(courtesy of the Asian Economic Forum)

How can the Myanmar government immediately enact Public Health Policy measures to address the COVID-19 global pandemic within its borders?
Additionally, how should COVID-19 specific Public Health Policy responses address Social Distancing (Quarantine, Lock-downs), Migration, Immigration, Transportation (Domestic & International), Border Trade and Food Security amongst other Economic relief measures?
If you have any Policy suggestions or Policy briefs related to the above two questions that you would like to have the Myanmar government & its Policy makers consider, please email us and we will attempt to convey the same to the Ministry of Health and Sports and other related Ministries.     

Leading our COVID-19 Task Force and our attempts to raise these Policy issues in Myanmar will be Dr. Thet Thet Khine, Member of Parliament, House of Representatives & Founder of the People’s Pioneer Party, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

The first Quarterly Economic Outlook Discussion for 2020 took place on Tuesday, March 03rd, 2020.

The subject of the Discussion was: “State of Myanmar’s Economy 2020 – Opportunities and Challenges”

In recognition of the challenges associated with the outbreak of the Wuhan CoronaVirus outbreak in Mainland China (now officially designated COVID-19 by WHO) the Discussion exclusively focused on the Economic impacts of these events on Myanmar’s economy and potential economic response considerations.

We are extremely grateful to Dr. Zaw Oo, Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social Development for valuable insights and perspectives.

An Executive Summary of this Discussion is now available.

If you would like to participate in these Economic Outlook Discussion or to any of our other engagement initiatives, please sign up to our Mailing List.

We are delighted to take this opportunity to welcome to our Board of Directors:          

Lillian Wang, Senior Director and Country Director (Myanmar) VISA Inc.

Cheery Zahau, Country Program Director (Myanmar)  Project 2049 Institute & UN HRC Representative of Persons of Concern Myanmar.

The last Quarterly Economic Development & Outlook Discussion took place on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019.

The subject of this Discussion was:  “Women and Economic Policy Leadership for 2020 and Beyond“.We are extremely grateful to Thi Dar Nwe, Senior Policy Specialist, Myanmar Development Institute and Cheery Zahau, Country Program Director, Burma/Myanmar, Project 2049 Institute for their valuable insights and perspectives.        

An Executive Summary of this Discussion is now available.    

We are delighted to have helped support the Asian Economic Forum in launching of their inaugural:

Nineteenth Amendment Annual Lecture
supporting Women’s Right, Educational Equality and Economic Policy Leadership

This Lecture took place on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019 at the American Center Yangon.

We are extremely grateful to Scot Marciel, The Ambassador of the United States of America and Mr. Robert Strang, US Department of Justice at the  US Embassy, Yangon, Myanmar for their thought leadership at the  ‘Engagement with Policy Stakeholders‘ Discussion.

The subject of the Discussion was:

Myanmar 2020 and Beyond

This Discussion took place on Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar  and was designed specifically for the benefit Members of Parliament of the Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representatives) and other senior law enforcement stakeholders.

We are extremely pleased by the attendance and engagement which focused primarily on the virtues of Anti-Money Laundering Compliance issues and the path towards national legislation for this cause.

This Discussion was Editorially supported by the Asian Economic Forum

A brief from the  Quarterly Economic Development & Outlook discussion took place on on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 in Yangon. 

The subject of our discussion was “Modernizing the Financial Sector“. This Discussion was focused exclusively on Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Issues.

An Executive Summary of this Discussion is now available.

We are extremely grateful to Mrs. Dorothee Janetzke-Wenzel, The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany for her valuable perspectives and her presentation on “ENERGIEWENDE – Transformation of the German Energy System”

This Quarterly Economic Development & Outlook discussion took place on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019 in Nay Pyi Taw.

The subject of our discussion was:

Energy diversification & reforms as drivers of stability & peace

in association with Climate Change Economics at the Asian Economic Forum

An Executive Summary of this Discussion is now available.

We are extremely grateful to Dr. Thet Thet Khine, Member of Parliament, Dagon Township, Dr. Saw Nay Nwe, Deputy Managing Director at AA Medical Products Ltd and Kyawt Kay Khaing, Deputy CEO at United Amara Bank Limited for their brave thought leadership at:

Economic Engagement with Myanmar – the road ahead

that took place on Wednesday March 27th, 2019 in Bangkok at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand.

We are additionally thankful to Jonathan Head, SE Asia Correspondent at the BBC, who moderated this discussion and also to John Fleming, Senior Commercial Officer and First Secretary at US Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar who provided us with an independent country assessment.

We welcome your participation, for membership details please contact:

Come join the platform … be part of the dialogue.

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Our Statement on Rakhine.